نيوز يمن - Okaz: The Iranian regime continues its terror with the support of the Houthi militia window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag( js , new Date()); gtag( config , UA-42101819-1 ); الرئيسية(current) مقالات(current) فيديو(current) أخبار مصورة(current) انفو جرافيك(current) اتصل بنا(current) English(current)
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Okaz: The Iranian regime continues its terror with the support of the Houthi militia
@ Aden, NewsYemen: English2021-02-01 20:19:16
Saudi Okaz newspaper said, "One of the evidence that the Iranian regime has not abandoned its terrorist methods and its aggressive actions is its insistence on supporting the terrorist Houthi militia with missiles and various weapons." The newspaper added, that the Iranian regime continues to incite these militias to target the kingdom, especially airports, hospitals and civilian objects, in light of the international community s insistence on marginalizing and limiting it. She indicated that Iran claims falsely that it wants to enjoy good relations with all neighboring countries, in an attempt to break out of its isolation and improve its deteriorating economic conditions, which negatively affected a people who are paying the price for the practices of a terrorist regime that continues to destabilize the security and stability of the region.
إقرأ ايضاًإصلاح مسار الشرعية.. خيار الجميع في مواجهة فوضى الرئيس